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Every Syrian Clinic Project in Rif Hama
A small, sparse and dilapidated clinic in Rif Hama is re-supplied and refurbished.
The clinic in the Rif Hama / Idleb area of Syria has seen an increasing number of casualties as the fighting escalates in the area. The clinic has no steady supply of electricity, a small lightbulb for the operating room, no proper operating table, broken X-ray machine, no doors in the first aid area, no A/C and almost no medicine.

Every Syrian was able to donate $26,000.00 to partially refurbish the clinic by installing a new professional operating table, lights, air conditioner, fridge, a month's supply of medicine as well as a water tank, a new generator, a month's supply of diesel and refurbishment of the clinic (cement & paint).
Date: April 2013
Operations Per Month: 50 (Fifty)
Patient Visits Per Month: 300 (Three Hundred)
Medical Staff: (1) Surgeon (1) Assistant Surgeon (5) Nurses (1) Ambulance Driver (1) Assistant Driver (2) Cleaners (1) Media Activist
Cost: $26,000.00
Equipment: Operating Table / Lights / Fridge / AC / Skin Stapler
Supplies: One month worth of all medicine needs
Refurbishment: Iron-smith refurbishment / Room cement & plastering / Purchase & installation of 2000 liter water tank / Electricity Accessaries / A/C for operating room / Two fridges (16ft for Operating room) & (24ft for hospital) / 660 liters of diesel for one Month consumption / 3 empty barrels for the diesel / Diesel generator replacement.
Any supplies that we could buy in Syria we did in order to benefit the local economy. Fridges / AC / Generator & Construction all purchased & paid for in Syria.
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